
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

TTAB Issued 45 Precedential Opinions in 2014

In calendar year 2014, the Board issued 45 precedential opinions - the same number as last year. [Note that the USPTO operates on a fiscal year that ends on September 30, and so its annual count of precedential opinions is likely different].  The REDSKINS and FLANAX decisions are currently the subject of district court actions for review under Section 1071(b). The appeals regarding the decisions in THE SLANTS and in the PRETZEL CRISPS cases were argued earlier this month at the CAFC.

Amanda Blackhorse

Section 2(a) - Immoral or Scandalous:
Section 2(a) - Disparagement:
Section 2(c) - Consent of Living Individual:
Section 2(d) - Likelihood of Confusion:

Section 2(e)(1)) - Mere Descriptiveness:

Section 2(e)(2) - Primarily Geographically Descriptive:
Section 2(f) - Acquired Distinctiveness:

Lack of Bona Fide Intent:
Identification of Goods:
Nonuse/Specimen of Use:
Cancellation Under Section 14(3):

Concurrent Use:

Text Copyright John L. Welch 2015.

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