
Friday, September 26, 2014

Overflow Seats Available: TTAB Comes to Boston: October 3rd

There are some seats still available in the overflow room (video) for the TTAB hearing and morning TM session. Law School students admitted free! On Friday, October 3rd, the USPTO's Trademark Trial & Appeal Board (TTAB) and Patent Trial & Appeal Board (PTAB) will hold hearings in the Moot Court Room on the campus of Northeastern University School of Law. This monumental event is jointly sponsored by the Boston Patent Law Association and Northeastern University School of Law. Details and registration here. Summary of TTAB case here.

The morning program will focus on trademarks at the TTAB, Chief Judge Rogers will explain "Why the TTAB is not like the PTAB or District Court," followed by John L. Welch, TTABlog and Lando & Anastasi, sharing his views on "The Top 8 or 9 Losing TTAB Arguments." A three judge panel of the TTAB will hear the final argument in an inter partes proceeding, and Susan Montgomery and John Welch will then lead a question-and-answer period among the attendees. The luncheon keynote speaker is Kevin Johnson, Associate General Counsel, The Gillette Company, who will discuss "Brand Intellectual Property." The afternoon session will turn to patents, led off by Claire Laporte of Foley Hoag, speaking on "Emerging Issue in AIA PTAB Proceeding: Obviousness." A hearing before a three judge panel of the PTAB will be followed by a reception.

Read comments and post your comment here.

TTABlog comoment:  In my memory, I think this is possibly the most significant double-header since Wilbur Wood started both ends of a twin-bill for the Chicago White Sox against the Yankees in 1973 (he lost both games).

Text Copyright John L. Welch 2014.

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