USPTO Webcast: "Roundtable on Best Practices for Trademark Prosecution in the Current Electronic Environment"
On December 3, 2010, from 1 to 3PM (EST), the USPTO will host a roundtable discussion "to highlight best practices for trademark prosecution in the current electronic environment and obtain feedback on the state of electronic communications within Trademark Operation. The program aims to further the discussion among the trademark community on the USPTO’s goal of decreasing its use of paper." Details (here).

A panel of trademark practitioners will focus on the following questions:
* For those who authorize e-mail correspondence during trademark prosecution: What are best practices for docketing and routing e-mail correspondence? What are best practices for record keeping? What are the perceived advantages of receiving e-mail correspondence?
* For those who do not authorize e-mail correspondence: Why is paper correspondence from the USPTO preferred? What are the perceived limitations or drawbacks to receiving e-mail correspondence? What technical or policy changes could the USPTO implement to incentivize the authorization of e-mail?
* What are best practices for filing documents using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS)? What is the best way to handle attachments of documents and evidence? What is the best procedure to follow when electronic filing problems are encountered?
* What are best practices for communicating with clients, including obtaining client signatures on documents, in our electronic environment?
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