Six Potential Pitfalls In Trademark Prosecution
Several people* have told me that they liked my paper entitled "The Board's-Eye View: Six Potential Pitfalls In Trademark Prosecution," which I presented at the "Hot Topics In Trademark Law" seminar hosted by the Boston Patent Law Association on November 3, 2004.
The paper is divided into six sections, dubbed:
It will also appear in the December issue of Allen's Trademark Digest, and subsequently on the bottom of bird cages across America.1. Avoiding the "F" Word (i.e., fraud)
2. Dodging Drawing Disasters
3. Passing the Genericness Test
4. Those Phantom Marks Just Keep On Coming!
5. When the Examining Attorney Says Jump . . .
6. Acronym This!
* Each person was also asking me for a loan at the time, so I take the compliments with several grains of rock salt.
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